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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vrelo Cave : MACEDONIA (FYROM) Travel Tourism World Heritage Hotel


Vrelo Cave is located in the Canyon of Matka on the right bank of Treska River near the Macedonian capital of Skopje. Vrelo is a system of two caves, one above and one underneath the water, and a lake. Highlight of the top cave is a three meter high stalagmite, called the „Pine Cone". The actual depth of the submerged cave has not yet been determined, it seems to lie well over 500 m, therefore some consider Vrelo Cave to be Europe’s deepest underwater cave. Споменик на природата ПЕШТЕРА ВРЕЛО Се наоѓа во кањонот Матка, недалеку од Скопје, на десната долинска страна на реката Треска, во непосредна близина на изворот Коритиште. Вкупната должина на пештерата која се состои од две сали, изнесува 176 м. Во пештерата егзистира езеро, долго околу 30 м а широко од 2 до 4 м. Monument of nature VRELO CAVE It is located in the Canyon of Matka, near Skopje, on the right bank of Treska River, next to the springs of Koritiste. The total length of the cave composed of two halls is 176 m. There is a lake in the cave, with a length of about 30 m and width of 2 to 4 m. Only 3 km away from the town centre. Total lenght is 300 m, and 250 m are accessible to visitors. The cave cosists spring and crystal-clear water brook, trimmed paths and numerous stone cave ornaments.

The Croatian word Vrelo means spring, and so Vrelo Špilja means cave spring. So this cave contains a spring which is said to have healing powers. The cave river is intermittend, which means it does not flow all year. But the cave river damaged the paths and installations various times during floods. The cave river flows to a cave lake at the end, which is actually a sump. It was dived some years ago, but after 14m at a depth of 7m the passage becomes too narrow. The cave has fine speleothems which are nicely displayed by the new cave light.
This cave is rather small and almost horizontal. The paths and electric light have been restored after the war, and today it is the only cave in Croatia which has no steps and is thus wheelchair accessible. Fuzine is a small town at 730m aslin the southwest of the Gorski Kotar region, surrounded by mountains, forests and lakes. The cave was discovered during canal works, when the artifical lake Bajer was constructed. he Ohrid lake and the Vrelo cave at Matka managed to get a place between the 261 contestants in the second round of the new 7 natural world wonders contest of the world. "Now its important for the Macedonian representatives to be placed among the first 77 candidates", said Tia Viering, the organiser of the contest. The contest started in 2007, with 441 candidates from all over the world. You van vote on a candidate by going to the website until the 7th of July. In July the former president of UNESCO will choose 21 candidates from the 77 from the second round. From those 21, 7 will end up and will share the fame with the 7 world wonders; Chinese wall, Colloseum, Taj Mahal, Petra, piramides of Cicei ica and the lost city of Machu Pichu

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